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(2 edits)

Bugs: Some of the branches' collisions are a bit awkward. You can even fall through one of them on the right. Also, the light doesn't always follow which way the player if facing.

Strengths: The walking animation of the character is quite smooth and the lighting is quite moody and atmospheric, almost conveying the feeling that the player really is lost in the forest. The level is also quite long and engaging.

Weaknesses: The enemies simply just disappear when you jump on them instead of being flattened.

Changes: Have the lamps that you light illuminate the area a bit better. Also, add in a counter for the lanterns so that you know how many there are in the level. Furthermore, give the enemies a squished sprite that appears after you jump on them.


Player appears behind platforms (unsure if this is intentional however). The light effect only works in one direction, when the character flips, the source of emission stays in the same location. Slight visual bug when standing on branches at an angle, there is a gap between the player's feet and the branch making it appear they are floating (this applies to enemies as well)


There is a lot of detail and the game is very aesthetic. The light effects provided from the character look very pretty, animation of character is very fluid and expresses the character's personality well.


Some jumps to reach the lights are very challenging and unclear on how to achieve (for example there is one underneath a branch and it isn't clear how to reach this), there isn't any sound currently, it was unclear how to defeat the enemies. (I only discovered accidentally how to defeat the enemies), Tree graphics at the top are cut off and look strange due to being formatted rectangularly.

Changes or Improvements: 

Lantern is purple but glows in white, maybe make the glow tinted slightly purple as though the light coming from the lamp is being affected by the colour of the glass, add a check for when the character rotate to change the position light emits from the character.

Bugs: The light remains on the left side of the player  sprite even if the lantern on the sprite is on the right side of the player 

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) : I really like the selective use of light alongside the equally eerie environment. Incorporating the platforms into the scene's background is really visually appealing. 

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay): While the character designs themselves are interesting, their animation lacks fluidity, I'm assuming the art is mostly unfinished so it makes sense for the time being while you flesh out the mechanics. 

Changes or Improvements 

Death animation for enemies. Perhaps an enemy that crawls around the tree trunk,  a vertically moving foe.

Bugs: collision on branches

Strengths: World and player design is really good, I like that mushrooms are the platforms and the characters glow

Weaknesses: You can fall through a branch on the right

Changes or Improvements: Having the lamplight turn with the player and maybe a counter for the lanterns so you know how many there are to light

  1. Bugs: I don't think I encountered any bugs.
  2. Strengths: I love the visual style, both in the character and the environment. The walking animation on the player is very clean.
  3. Weaknesses: I imagine this has been mentioned a lot, but the light does not always match the location of the lantern that the character is holding.
  4. Changes or Improvements: I think somewhere to see the controls would be nice, but other than that I think this game is awesome.

Bugs: The lamp light does not flip with the character 

Strengths: I loved the animation of the character moving and the lamp light mechanic was really well done.

Weaknesses: The game is very dark making the platforms hard to see

Changed: Maybe adding some lamps/ lights to the platforms to make them easier to see while sticking to the dark theme.

One branch wouldn't hold me at all and it took several attempts to stay on and get the lantern.

The art styles is nice as it is very textured and also has a very individualistic and spooky. The playability is god as its a simple yet effective as you can do t over and over and not get bored. The animation of the sprite is very nice too.

A weakness is that the tree is very textured and realistic then the sprite is very cartoony which make it look out of place unfortunately.

Id make it so when yo see that the next part of he game is in development at the top its an end screen as it feels more final then reading it and still being able to play.

Bugs/Errors: You can fall through some of the branches, and some of the branches' collision seems to be off, as there are times where you walk above them.

Strengths: The character walk cycle is really well done. The whole game looks really good in general. Also the movement is fun.

Weaknesses: The game felt a bit repetitive the closer you get to the top (In regards to going to light all of the lanterns, , so maybe some new mechanics could be introduced in the locked region?

Changes or improvements: Fix the branch bug, and maybe add some new mechanics.

Bugs Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

One branch you can fall through with no explanation or visual clarification for why

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game? 

Walking animation is good, dark environment creates good atmosphere. The pathing of the enemies going down different splits of branches is cool.

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game? 

There's little guidance to an objective, no explanation of an end goal or purpose, the background is just a grey slate and doesn't add anything to the artstyle/theme of the game. The platform organization could be better, it's very clustered together.

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

Refinement of platform organization, Some kind of objective instruction / context for the player. A background that matches the tree artstyle.

Bugs Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

One of the branches on the right has an inconsistent hitbox where you can fall through.

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game?

The animations are really clean and the light feature is aesthetically pleasing, the tree also looks really good.

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game?

The game doesn't feel challenging enough and is also a little repetitive (however I understand that the next stage isn't unlockable yet)

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

One thing to mention is that the source of light only aligns with the lamp when the character is moving right, not sure how easy that is to fix. I also think the enemies could be made to be more of a threat, maybe a health system or something.

+ great character player and animations

+tree concept is really fun

- the light does not follow the players animations and only stays on one side

collected all the lanterns but nothing happened, was floating sometimes and also falling through the branches in some places, S - visual style and animation is very smooth and polished, W - don't really know what the objective is collected all the lanterns and still couldn't progress so wondering what the next step is

The art style is done very well and goes well with the dark theme. Perhaps try using more contrasting colours to show the difference between light and dark more instead of it being all dark/neutral tones. An example could be turning the enemies into 'bad glowing light'.

The game mechanics and gameplay is fun and has a clear objective to reach the end and find the light on the way.

You could add in a task box to show how many lamps you have lit up/how many are left.

on one of the branches i can fall through for seemingly no reason and after falling through it i seemed to end up floating mid air 

loved the visual style and animations putting the littel creatures on the branches was good for directing the player and showing that you can stand on them 

there seemed to be so many platforms it made it hard to fall and the character felt a bit floaty for a platformer incresing their deceleration and increasing acceleration would help make give tighter control of the character


The second and top branches on the right makes the player fall despite there is ground for them to stand on. 


The animations and textures of the game along with the glow effects of the lamps and the characters lamp on the stick


The falling through the branches does catch the player off guard and can take its toll to go back to were the player was originally before the fall

Changes or Improvements:

Fix the branches that the player falls through and to continue the rest of the game at the top of the tree.

It has a amazing art and animations! The themes are very consistent with the game mechanics and I think you really hit the nail on the head.  Maybe in future levels you could make the player have to search multiple trees or something, so that the lanterns locations are more difficult to predict. Wonderful work!

(1 edit)

on the forth branch there is a spot where you can fall through not sure if its intentional. also on a branch further up (not sure on the number but was on the right side). could maybe try to put more enemies and try put them on some platforms. really good idea and good execution on idea.